Wednesday 3 September 2008


See you later, everyone! It's my last (half-)day as editor of Vulture. I'm really proud of the blog and the important stories we've broken � crucial, game-changing news about movies, contemporary art, and quality television programs. I'm proud to have been here in good times and bad times, embracing our joys and sharing our sorrows.

But I'm afraid it's time to move on. People keep asking me, "Where are you going now?" and then they look uncomfortable when I say "Nowhere!" and laugh merrily. But it's true! I turned down the hopeful entreaties of Paul Dergarabedian � even when he raised my salary offer and explained that one number was larger than the other number � and considered, but passed, on a job as Ben Silverman's personal tiger groomer. So I'm heading off into the sunset unencumbered. Well, I have to write an entire book by January. I'll also be contributing to Vulture and to the magazine every once in a while. Whatever, my plans are boring. What about your plans? What are you up to this fall?

Thanks to Lane for making me laugh every day, and thanks to Everett and Lori for making even the worst posts look good. Thanks to Ben, Jessica, Sara, and Nick for excellent editorial support. Thanks to my fellow bloggers, especially Chris and Jessica, the two finest gay men I have ever met. Thanks to all my other New York and colleagues, plus all those people at MenuPages who I'm sure are very nice. And thanks to our enthusiastic readers, who never hesitate to praise a post or explain why we are morons who don't understand the majesty of caterwauling amateur David Cook.

After the jump, see video of my proudest-ever moment at Vulture. Bye!

Earlier: What Happens When a 32-Year-Old Blogger Tries to Play With His Old Transformers Toys?

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